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Occupational risk from static magnetic fields of MRI scanners

  Occupational risk from static magnetic fields of MRI scanners

  Jolanta Karpowicz;Maila Hietanen;Krzysztof Gryz;

  The health care staff operating magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scanners are exposed to static magnetic field of significant spatial heterogenity and high level of flux density—usually existing permanently during the shift. The personnel can also be exposed to pulses of magnetic field of high rate of rise/fall, so-called gradient fields, which exist only during examination of patients. The level of China magnets workers’ exposure depends both on the type of the magnet and on the ergonomical characteristic of design of the particular MRI scanner. This paper presents the current state of the art on occupational exposure to static magnetic field health effects, gaps in scientific data, MRI workers’ exposure characteristics, research needs, and suggestions for the exposure assessment protocol for future investigations.