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A new process for Nd-Fe-B powder and magnets

  A new process for Nd-Fe-B powder and magnets

  Y. Bogatin;D. Li;P. Behan;

  Conventionally Processed Powder During exposure to the dry and humid environments, conventionally processed powder developed oxide phases that increased the weight of the powder. The oxide phases developed as a result of the chemical reaction between neodymium and iron and oxygen absorbed from the surrounding atmosphere. 4.2 AQUANIDE-Processed Powder The AQUANIDE-processed powder developed a small amount of oxide phase on the surface of the powder particles, slightly reducing the alignment in a China magnets magnetic field. The powder has a very low susceptibility to corrosion, and the magnetic properties remain stable over an extended period of time. Magnets made from AQUANIDE powder that had been stored in a normal laboratory air atmosphere for extended periods of time showed no appreciable degradation in magnetic properties. The results of this study clearly demonstrate the superior corrosion resistance of AQUANIDE-processed Nd-Fe-B powder compared to conventionally processed material.